Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013

Baby ist da

Mini "grossi" Schwöschter Jenny ond de Sven hend ere chline Bueb becho. De Levin esch zwar so es chlises Hämpfeli, aber eifach nome süess. Er dot sehr gärn schlofe.
Ech freu mech sehr das er do of de Wäut esch ond be scho gspannt em zueluege wie er grösser ond grösser werd!!!!
Nomou Gratulation a die beide super Eltere!!!! Jenny ond Sven er wärded super Eltere abgä, ech be mer secher!

Home Sweet Home

Eine vo de grossartigschte Momänt e mim Läbe! S Heicho vo de USA! Alli mini beschte Kollege ond Frönde hend mech am Floghafe empfange. Es esch so wonderschön gseh. Emmer weder mossi a dä Momänt denke ond fange afo lächle. Was för e gueti Familie han ech doch wo mer mini Röckkehr so eifach gmacht hed ond ech mech sehr schnell weder ha chönne iläbe.

Etz beni au scho weder 3 Woche e de Schwiz! Es god alles tip top ond ech läb mech guet i. Moss scho säge das ech ab ond zue no a Winifred denke, aber natürlech gon ech au scho nöchscht Johr zrog zom si go bsueche.
Momentan schaff ech no ond die nöchscht Woche werd ech as Openair St.Galle go.
Am Zischtig chon de no e gueti Kollegin vo Süd Afrika hei. Was för e gueti Woche mer doch beforstoohd.

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

My Parents in Montana

Yes.. finally I had my parents back! It was amazing to see them after 10 months spending in a different home. The first day we went camping at the Stafford Ferry. I think my parents were overwhelmed after they met a bunch of people from Winifred, but they did their best and it was a really funny day. My friends and I had a photo shooting at the river. Later on we produced a photo collage and printed it on banner. After they went home to the apartments to sleep, we teenager had a little party at the river and I stayed over night in a tent. 
The second day was my last branding. I wrestled one calf!! My dad filmed me working and my mom took pictures. My parents were really impressed how the whole thing works and that nobody gets hurt. 
The last day we went driving four wheelers. George Fisher took us out and we drove for a couple hours around on his property. 
It was really really hard to say good-bye to all this wonderful people. Every time I had to leave someone more, it ripped my heart apart. I had the best time of my life in Winifred. It made me stronger!! And aim pretty sure I will be back next summer to visit them. I will have a second home forever.
I  love you guys. Thank you for everything.